Reel Gags

Monday, August 11, 2014

Comic-Con 2014 - Miscellaneous Pics

Go to Comic-Con 2014 - Sunday Pics

Putting up one of the building wraps Sunday before Comic-Con

Calm before the storm

Off-site Gaming setup at the Marriott

An empty lobby, must be Monday, or possibly Tuesday

View from our room

Weirdest thing in hotel gift shop; love the nurse holding a glass of lemonade, I hope

Wish I'd got better shot of this, love the pudgy action figures

I think you are required by law to take at least one infinite eyeballs picture each year, this one from phone came out way better than real camera

How do you cool down a very very large building full of as many people as Fire Marshall allows, rent extra A/C of course

Love the Bat they flew in from ceiling above DC booth

DC had artists decorate Batman cape and cowl

Another cape and cowl

Batman thing getting ready to devour small child; it was awful

One of my first purchases, Myrna Loy print from Jim Silke

The cowboy hat first thing Thursday when it only had a few things on it; see finished here

Friends Mary Max and Brian

Painting I bought from book I had as a kid, the very politically incorrect, Little Black Sambo

Painting I bought of Silver Surfer by Felipe Echevarria

Coolest piece of DC swag in years

Gotta love the ladies at Comic-Con

Or not

At a certain point, nothing phases you

Always some religious nutjobs at an event like Comic-Con

My friend Pam does a lot of doll cosplay; okay she makes a living making doll outfits like this

Victoria Minnich, she does really cool comics about lobster fishing, yes, you heard that right

Friend Margot

Artist Stan Yan does really cool caricatures of you as a zombie or My Little Pony if you prefer

I've lost weight as you can see from last year vs this year's zombie caricatures; artist Stan Yan says that it's mostly tongue weight

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